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Asia Travel with SmartFares
The Golden Triangle is in Chiang Rai Province, in the far north of Thailand. The English name comes from the meeting of Laos, Myanmar and Thailand here, but to the locals its Sop Ruak, since this is where the Mekong meets the Ruak River. The Golden Triangle designates the confluence of the Ruak River and the Mekong River, since the term has been appropriated by the Thai tourist industry to describe the nearby border tripoint of Thailand, Laos and Myanmar.
In Asia Golden Triangle tour you'll visit three countries; however the center of the program is going to be traveling through the far reaches of Shan State in Eastern Burma near the border with China’s Yunnan Province. From the oxcarts, teashops of Burma, the traditional rhythm of Thailand’s hill tribe region, this trip can take you through one of the most culturally rich – and rarely seen – areas in Southeast Asia. Traveling by minibus round-trip from Chiang Mai, explore the underground chambers of Chiang Dao Caves,