Ouagadougou is the capital city of Burkina Faso and an interesting place where boredom is not an option.
If you are planning a low cost flight to Ouagadougou and are not yet certain about which airline to choose, Smartfares.com can help you find the best solution. Once you type in the necessary information (traveling period, city of departure), our online system will generate a list of all available flights to or from Ouagadougou, Africa. You can also filter your search results taking into consideration certain factors such as the price, the duration of the flight, takeoff or landing time. Smartfares.com has negotiated contracts with low cost airline companies around the world, so we can always find the best prices.
Your destination will be the Ouagadougou Airport, located in the city center. Be very careful when taking a taxi into Ouagadougou though. Cab owners are likely to ask a lot more than the actual cost of a ride.
Once you reach the capital, you will be intrigued by the many activities available. Check out the Village Artisanale of Ouagadougou, an outdoor local crafts shopping center. And don’t miss the Central Market or Le Musee Nationale. Every even-numbered year there is an important craft fair in Ouagadougou, so if you are lucky, you can see a wide array of hand made items from all over the continent and you can buy a few unique African souvenirs.
Smartfares hopes you will have a wonderful stay in Ouagadougou and wishes you a pleasant flight!