Planning a vacation to Oran, Africa? Whatever your draw to this important Algerian city, is the way to get there. is dedicated to making your travel booking experience the epitome of smooth sailing. Customer service and your satisfaction there are our top priority. And unlike other travel web sites, Smartfares offers travel choices from multiple Global Distribution Systems, so we guarantee you the widest array of options. Not only does this mean more destinations, it means a wider range of pricing options to ensure that your travel is affordable. Visit to book your tickets for Oran today.
In Oran, unwind underneath an umbrella on the beautiful Madagh Beach; stroll through one of the city’s three universities; visit the city hall building and see the two giant lion statues, symbols of La Montagne des Lions (The Mountain of Lions), And most important, enjoy the music. Oran is home to Raï folk music. Raï, which means opinion in Arabic, originated in the 1930s when Bedouin shepherds, influenced by both European and Arabian music, started this popular and controversial genre featuring women in public performances. Both the female singers and lyrics commonly about such indigenous and European social issues as alcohol and love inspired government censorship. Local singers, called cheb, include Khaled and Faudel. will ensure that you arrive in Oran, now a busy commercial port, worry free and ready to enjoy all that this unique area has to offer.